Whether you're a vegetarian food lover or simply wish to explore new flavors, discover our list dedicated to restaurants offering at least one vegetarian dish on their menu.
"Vegetarian options" about the destination
Click on the bubbles to get more details about a restaurant - This map does not represent the list of vegetarian restaurants in the destination but restaurants offering at least one vegetarian dish on their menu.
Au Pourquoi PasAux berges de CandolB59+BHVBollywood Zaika (restaurant indien)Buffalo GrillCharlie's cornerGood BurgerIntuitionL'Auberge NormandeL'EncasLa BacouetteLa Barquette RéunionnaiseLa CitronnelleLa CrêperieLa Ferme du ChâteauLa MaisonLa MetidjaLa RotondeLa SarrasineLa Table de FumichonLa ValléeLa Villa ToscanaLe 7ème ArtLe BerbèreLe BistrotLe Bistrot 59Le BriovèreLe Café de Saint-LôLe Carrefour ParisLe CentralLe Fil des SaisonsLe Grand BalconLe Saint-RaphaëlLe SakuraLe Solo (Intermarché)Les boudeusesLes CapucinesLes RempartsOncle ScottRestaurant Le KillianSucré SaléÔ Commerce