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Théâtre Saint-Lô > "Un cri du coeur" + "50 ans ma nouvelle adolescence"

Join us on January 18 at 7pm at the Saint-Lô theater for an exceptional evening of 2 shows.

> "Un cri du coeur" with Aurélien Cavagna.

How can you love when your heart doesn?t work? And how can you laugh at a heart that doesn?t give a damn?
This one-man show with multiple characters tells the story of Aurélien Cavagna?s heart problems. A real heart problem and a health drama that will change his life. From now on, he'll have to be careful, all the time: no sudden movements, no excesses, no sports. It's tempting to rush into action, but that's just not possible!
Sometimes himself, sometimes a slightly mad doctor, sometimes his heart speaking out, we go from laughter to tears. This cry from the heart is a happy testimony, better still: a howl of life!

"50 ans ma nouvelle adolescence" with Martine Fontaine.

Fanny is just 50 when her husband abruptly leaves her for a woman the same age as their eldest son! She relives the shock, her fall and her resurrection, with humor, modesty and outbursts.
In the end, more fulfilled and independent than ever, she will have become? A new woman!

"A woman in her fifties is a sensitive and highly topical subject, all the more so when it is accompanied by a break-up with a partner who leaves for a younger woman, which is, alas, a very persistent cliché. Fanny speaks of this unjust pain and shows a path to liberation: an initiatory tale. Choosing Martine Fontaine, an actress from Saint-Louis, was an obvious choice. She's hilarious and moving, full of infectious energy and empathy for men and women alike.
For me, she perfectly embodies the 50-year-old woman, with all her flaws and potential. She can play everything: the woman, the teenager, but also all the male portraits that punctuate the story" - Bernard Jeanjean.