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Join us on January 25 at 7:00 pm at the Saint-Lô theater for the show "Attendez-moi" with the "La Bazooka" company.

Can reliving childhood memories create dance?

Wait for me! is a show about childhood and memory, which seeks a form of intimacy. It starts with memories of skiing, and discussions with a sheep nicknamed Zouzou. Like a diary, the movements revive sensations, bringing to the surface a dance buried in the depths of a water table just waiting to be awakened.

"Zouzou, at least she would be fair! Because she'd be detached from all judgment, she'd do what she felt, she wouldn't give a damn about the public, about... who's watching, what other people think. She wouldn?t try to impress, she wouldn?t care if people respected her, she would do her own thing. Yes, Zouzou would truly be the perfect performer, the most abandoned and most embodied being at the same time."

The piece navigates between fiction and abstraction, using figures as characters to follow, provoking the spectator?s imagination and conveying a gentle lightness.

Conceived and produced by La BaZooKa: Sarah Crépin and Étienne Cuppens
Performance: Sarah Crépin
Music: Paisaje Cubano Con Rumba (Leo Brouwer), Elf dance (Moondog), Für Fritz (Moondog) Tout l?Amour (A. Salvet/B. Botkin/G. Garfield/G. Bertret/P. Murtagh).
Photo credit ©Alban Van Wassenhove.