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Join us on January 25 at 9:00 pm at the Saint-Lô theater for the show "Le pas seul" with the company "Les nouveaux nez".

Pas seul, pas sage, pas de côté... After circus, cabaret and troupe life, Félix Tampon comes to the theater for an attempt, a vital moment for him, a one-man show: Le pas seul.
First, he had to break the ice, welcome the audience and get to know them at all costs. Félix declares that it is urgent to be together, to be intimate. This evening is a shared work in progress, a story being written live.
With Félix, the written word is bypassed, the framework is bypassed. It's a question of survival. We get too many bruises from banging our heads against reality. So Félix wonders about our presence, his own, about emptiness and silence, about God, about creation...
The problem is that Félix doesn't often finish his sentences. And perhaps if he did, the show would end, and he with it?
In response, Félix writes his diary behind an airtight fourth wall. He allows himself a moment of complicity, an experience in which the clown invites us into a story of which he knows neither the beginning nor the end.
This is life. Well, it's theater, but it's life.

Clown, musician, artistic director: Alain Reynaud.
Director: Eric Louis, assisted by Clémentine Vignais.
Set and lighting design: Paul Alphonse.
Costume design: Léa Emonet.
Production: Sébastien Lhommeau.
Stage manager: Nancy Drollet.
Administration: Emmanuel Cornuel.
Photo credit: ©Lena Reynaud.