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Join us on February 25 at 8:30 pm at the Saint-Lô theater for the show "Brasier" with the company "Les nuées ineffables".

Brasier is inspired by a real event: the fire at Grenfell Tower, a social housing tower in London, in 2017. This tragedy claimed 89 lives and reawakened the social crisis in England. Vincent Bellée uses this tragedy to write a fictional story about Adam, born in the flames, and Helen, his aunt, who takes him in.
We follow them for sixteen years of their lives. Every year, like a diapason for the passing of time, the fire is commemorated by politicians and the media.
How do you escape this media grip and build a life on the rubble of a tragedy?
In the form of a poetic epic narrated by a choir, this contemporary fable braids the sensational media treatment of the event with its intimate repercussions in the lives of the characters.
With no ambition other than to speak to us, to make us laugh, cry, sometimes both at the same time, the collective "Les Nuées ineffables" invites us to plunge our eyes into theirs and bring this story to life together.

Stage direction :Thomas Desportes.
Text by Vincent : Bellée.
Acting: Aurélia Legrand, Gabriel Gillotte, Lauriane Cheval-Lopez, Marine Huet, Vincent Bellée and Thomas Desportes.
Sound design: Charlotte Rousseau.
Lighting design: Louis Sady.
Stage manager: Nikita Haluch.
Set design: Luis Enrique Gomez.
Photo credit: ©Vincent Bellée.