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Théâtre Saint-Lô > "Michelle doit-on t'en vouloir d'avoir fait un selfie à Auschwitz ?"

Join us on April 29 at 8:30pm at the Saint-Lô theater for the show "Michelle, should we blame you for taking a selfie at Auschwitz?" with the "Les Méridiens" company.

Flashy pink sweet-shirt and ingenuous smile. One little selfie and Michelle is on the dark side of history, with a capital H for Hate.
During a school trip to Auschwitz, a group of teenagers discover the horror of the concentration camps. Michelle's smile and the shutter release of her camera can't resist this cold, hard memory?
Has she fulfilled her duty to remember by taking a selfie? Has she sullied the past by posing in front of the remnants of the Shoah? Opinions differ, comments fly and the Web closes in on her, a prisoner of cruel digital harassment.
In this choral play inspired by a true story, Sylvain Levey leaves us free to examine - and judge - the society we have built around appearances. With a dramaturgy that plays on the immediacy of the Internet, he dismantles the mechanism of hype, in a world where the real and the virtual collide.

Text: Sylvain Levey.
Publisher: Théâtrales Jeunesse.
Stage direction: Laurent Crovella.
Music and soundscape: Olivier Fuchs.
Set design: Olivier Benoît and Laurent Crovella.
Construction: Olivier Benoît.
Lighting design: Fred Goetz.
Sound and stage management: Christophe Lefebvre.
Graphics: Romain Salvati.
Costumes and accessories: Sabine Siegwalt.
Photo credit: ©Philippe Lux.