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Mijn persoonlijke gids

Festival, Show, Théâtre

Villes en Scène > "En cas de péril imminent"


Adult rate : à partir de 9,00 €
Child rate : à partir de 4,00 €
Reduced rate : à partir de 4,00 €

As part of the "La Manche met les villes en scènes" festival, join us at Condé-sur-Vire's "Condé Espace" hall for the comedy show "En cas de péril imminent" (In case of imminent danger) by Jérôme Rouger's company, La Martingale.

A droll reflection on the place of the artist and laughter.

Has a song for peace ever succeeded in discouraging belligerents from entering into conflict? When the worst is yet to come, should we rely on artists? Aren't we increasingly giving them the role of entertaining, that is, etymologically, of "diverting", which isn't exactly doing us any favors when imminent peril looms on the horizon?

A specialist in absurdist humor, zany forms and unclassifiable one-man shows, Jérôme Rouger?s latest creation questions the place of the artist and of laughter in our society. Is it possible to take on titanic challenges, real or virtual, with the only weapon we have: a humor that is defiant, mischievous and impertinent?

An unexpected, fresh and rejuvenating show that takes an offbeat look at the complexity of the world!

Written and performed by Jérôme Rouger
Stage direction: Jérôme Rouger and Patrick Ingueneau
Set and lighting design: Mathieu Marquis
Sound and video design: Emmanuel Faivre
Video creation : Mickael Lafontaine
Music and 8-bit video game creation: Matthieu Metzger
Production manager: Guillaume Rouger
Administration: Agnès Rambaud
Lighting and stage management: Mathieu Marquis or Hélène Coudrain
Video and Sound Manager: Manu Faivre or Romain Dumaine or Hélène Martron

Running time: 1h25 / All audiences