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Dancing, Festival, Show

Villes en Scène > "Relative World"


Adult rate : à partir de 9,00 €
Child rate : à partir de 4,00 €
Reduced rate : à partir de 4,00 €
Free : à partir de  €

As part of the "La Manche met les villes en scènes" festival, join us at the "Condé Espace" hall in Condé-sur-Vire for the "Relative World" dance performance by the "B21 Company".

The epic story of two souls in love. One is in the world of the living, the other in that of the dead.

Relative World is about a couple separated by death. A deceased woman who refuses to leave her loved one for good. A man who wants to revive his beloved.

Through parallel universes, they meet again, master time and achieve eternal union. Their dance, like a living force, awakens and shocks the body, thanks to striking choreography that confronts the challenges of life with virtuosity and determination. From motionless runs to disarticulation, their bodies speak of the pain and rejection of separation. If they still waltz together, their chests heave as if in electric shock.

In a singular aesthetic tinged with science fiction, choreographers Manon Contrino and Toufik Maadi shake up our relationship with time, death and love.

Performers : Aline Lopes, Kim Evin.
Composer: Lucas Descombes.
Lighting director: Rémi Mallet.
Choreography, costumes, set design:
Manon Contrino and Toufik Maadi.

Running time: 50min / For all audiences (11 years and over).