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Show, Théâtre

Théâtre > "Répétition générale"


Base rate : à partir de  €
Child rate : à partir de  €
Free : à partir de  €



Join us at the Château de Torigny-les-Villes for the play "Répétition générale" by Alexis Bondis - with the "GTT" company.

"An amateur theater troupe rehearses its play one last time before the big jump! The problem is, the actors don't really get along. With 3 days to go before the 1st performance, nothing is quite right. Will they manage to finish the play? Will they be able to perform? And in what condition will they be found? A comedy "catastrophe" set in the middle of a B&B kitchen, performed by a cast of well-rounded characters who in real life are unemployed, authors, farmers and cashiers, and in the play play burglars, directors, mysterious customers, tyrannical wives and submissive husbands. How can you tell the real from the fake? Good question!